Meals and Entertainment Receipts for IRS

What type of receipts you need to keep for IRS for your Meals and Entertainment?

Make sure that you keep the detailed and itemized receipt of the restaurants instead of your credit card receipts.

Also keep the itemized receipt of your hotel bill while travelling for your business instead of just your credit card receipts.

Six most common Tax documents

Six most common documents needed for preparing your Tax Return

1. W-2 form from your current employer and W-2 forms from all the other employers that you might have had in 2017.

2. 1099-Misc forms issued to you as an independent contractor.

3. 1099 Interest and 1099- Div from any bank or broker for accounts such as Saving accounts or Investments.

4. 1099-R form for any distribution you might have had from your retirement accounts such as IRA or 401K.

5. 1098 form for the interest you paid for your mortgage if you owned a house.

6. 1098-T from your school for any tuition paid or grants received if you are a student.

How to avoid paying late tax filing penalties

File your tax returns before the Tax Return Deadlines

September 15th is the deadline for filing your business tax returns. This date applies to all Corporations, S Corporations and LLC’s.

October 15th is the last date for filing your personal tax returns. This date is for the individual tax return extensions.

Please visit us at or call us at (714) 784-6488 for more information.